
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

And then Red Riding Hood said "Kitty, what BIG teeth you have"!

Doesn't he look like he's dead? He doesn't even look real. God knows what he was thinking while he was lying there!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Momz make nice rozy beds

You know cats. If you put a napkin on the ground they will find it and lay on it! Hayden loves to lay on this afghan, when he's not laying on the paper, a magazine, the sofa, the bed, the window sill, the top of the trashcan, etc.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

In Memoriam: Miss Gabby

Miss Gabby was the beloved cat of Melanie, Rachel and Randy. She lived a long and well loved life. She was almost 18 years old! She will be greatly missed.

And then Hayden whispered those immortal words, "Cats Rule and Dogs Drool"!

Hayden and Stewie had the BEST time tonight. They stalked each other, rolled on the floor together and generally had a wonderful time. Can't believe these two are becoming such good friends.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Come on....just a little closer....closer.......GOTCHA!

He's like a jungle cat on his perch. He will chase up and down, through the holes, just so he can attack. And believe me, he ATTACKS!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

That iz too much eyeliner! You iz only 14!

Hayden again offers suggestions to his Mom. He has excellent taste!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What part of "I'M NAPPING" do you not understand!

Hayden HATES to be interrupted when he is taking a nap. Of course, that is most of the day!

Monday, April 19, 2010

They'll never find me here! Why are they laughing?

Making a bed at my house can be traumatic. You never know when he will show up. And he LOVES to help!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I think I can! I think I can! I think I can!

He always thinks he can go higher. He really is planning an attack on that fan!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Haden and Stewie meet face to face!

Well, they met and Stewie lived. Haden was SO good! After the fiasco with the kitten (Hayden made noises I have never heard come out of ANYTHING) I was worried about Stewie. But Hayden was actually almost amused with the little feller. Stewie totally stalked him like any puppy would and he took it all in good nature. Who knew!

Hayden was exhausted from chasing the elusive long tailed mouse

OK, I admit it. I put the mouse next to Hayden! But he immediately grabbed it and curled up around it. Then he laid his head on it and went to sleep!

Friday, April 16, 2010

I used to fitted in here when I was little!

Poor Hayden. He found his cat bed he used when he was little. He tried to curl up inside, but that butt took up too much room! It didn't help that the dogs wanted in too!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hayden! Verizon doesn't do service calls for Hairballs!

He loves to lie on the Verizon box. I suppose because it is warm. But I can just imagine the fur buildup!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Catfather, what must I do to earn your forgiveness? The black dog must sleep with the fishes? Oh, you just WANT fishes!.

Hayden likes to think he rules the household. However, Amber is definitely the cranky ruler around here!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Well Helloooo Kitty! Howz about you and me hittin the scratchin post together!

Poor Hayden, he has such high hopes. But it will never work out between them. She's a merchandising fat cat and well, he's just a fat cat.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Me..on the table? No way! Cross my paws and hope to die (I can spare one...)!

He KNOWS he is not supposed to be on the table! If Steve walks in, he leaps off the table and runs through the house like the hounds of hell are after him. If I walk in, he just gets comfortable! He and Steve are buddies, but he knows I will cave!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The cloak of invisibility is working! The dog will never see it coming.

This is one of the Mister's favorite spots. Unfortunately, he insists on helping to make this bed! He slows down the process considerably! If you can't find him, this is where he usually is.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

If I can't go out..then you can't come in! By the way, your food was really good!

Hayden is an inside cat. He really wants to be an outside cat! My daughter takes him out (carrying him) and lets him sniff the flowers, etc. I would let him wander about the back yard, but she is absolutely certain if his furry feet hit the ground he will die instantly! He loves to stalk the mayflies and the sounds of the birds drive him nuts!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Some days I don't know if I am coming or going!

Haden loves to sit in the kitchen window. After some major mishaps, he has gotten pretty good at leaving the plants alone and not knocking everything out of the window!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I have that sinking feeling ..........

Every morning Hayden sits in my sink watching my daughter do her hair. He never misses this together time and just gazes at her with kitty love. He especially loves it if you will start a drip of water in the sink!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Mister tries for invisibility, but just gets the bird!

I think I know where I went wrong on Hayden's Blog. I put all the pictures on at once instead of adding several per day. So I am going to try to add more each day. However, there is no guarantee that Hayden will cooperate! Sometimes, believe it or not, he has a lazy day and just isn't into being funny!