
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Meatloaf Kitty

Thank you Susan, for this delicious description!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

My Two Housemates

These are my housemates, Amber and Jewel. They are toy poodles. Amber is the white one and Jewel is the black one. Amber is a total snob and totally beneath me. She walks around on her front feet and even pees that way! Gross! She doesn't even think she's a dog! Jewel is just barking mad. She spins in circles and smiles, showing her teeth. She's a lot more fun than Amber and we even play sometimes. But I do have to remember that they are just dogs, and thus, are not on the same level as myself.

My friend Stewie

This is my new friend Stewie. He was rescued from a place that sells puppies before they are ready to leave their mothers. He lives with a very nice family that we know. OK, he's not a cat, but he's almost as good!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Luvs to bite them puppy butts!

OMG! And they think I'm weird!

Ninja kitty rules!

You mean all that noise was because you couldn't find me?

But why is your Mac better than his PC?

You really didn't think I was staying home with the dogs, did you?

I believe one of the dogs may have made a poopy!

Shhhhhh. I bein invisible !

Make it do it again!

The view from this direction is not great either!

There's a cat in the window, with a tear in its eye.....

Going, going, going, gone

Dignity. They can't take that away from me.

The mighty snow beast stalks it's prey

Boy, is Mom going to be surprised at lunch today!

Heh, heh. As soon as they are asleep I can jump down on the bed!

What's a cokehead?

I do not think "Toesucker" is a funny nickname!

Didn't you use mouthwash!

A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down

I used to be little cat. Now I'm LONG cat.


Do not meddle in my affairs for you are crunchy and taste like chicken!

And then...ha ha ha, the mouse says to the squirrel ...!

I just don't "get" algebra!

It wasn't even my catnip!

I feel a nap com....zzzzzzzzzz

The wild beast stalks its prey!

I hate flying coach!

Kitty coma

Ah! Now I can see the TV

Don't hate me cauz I beautiful

Invisible Kitty lurks!

Purrrrrfect Gift

Who plugged me in?

While visions of......geckos?

What you mean Wii fat?

I helpz Mom scrap

Cirque du Kitty

I iz purrrrfect!

I iz recyclable?

Houston, Space Kitty has a problem!


Circle of Trust

Who didn't flush?

Talk to the paw!

Kitty get that school hamster yet!